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Date: Jun 17, 2023User: Cosmos567Rating: QuestionableScore: 5

K1rito commented at 2024-03-21 00:18:26 » #2876356

I dont see much of a difference from how he looked originally

0 Points Flag
Cosmos567 commented at 2024-03-20 16:01:41 » #2876272

Before anyone re-ads the Artist_Request tag, the artist IS tagged, they just don?t have an artist-tag, and this is the only piece of theirs on this site.

0 Points Flag



Date: Jan 20, 2023User: danbooruRating: GeneralScore: 15

me_hilol commented at 2024-03-20 22:58:10 » #2876344

I genuinely felt so bad for Eggman. Thank goodness Sage lives in the new ending.

0 Points Flag

Date: Mar 20, 2024User: Dottie_Pie6Rating: QuestionableScore: 3

hentailord4001 commented at 2024-03-20 22:51:35 » #2876343

hey dipshits, tag your slop properly so ppl with ai-generated in their blacklist don't have to see this pdocut of mass art-rape

3 Points Flag

Date: Feb 18, 2024User: danbooruRating: SensitiveScore: 12

LivingCorpse commented at 2024-03-20 22:39:56 » #2876340

Congratulations and welcome back girl.

2 Points Flag
LukeDude759 commented at 2024-03-20 20:56:28 » #2876321

boy do i have some great news for you

10 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2024-02-19 02:02:28 » #2867330

For a moment this fooled me into thinking she was the next DLC.

2 Points Flag


Date: Mar 31, 2023User: danbooruRating: GeneralScore: 21

_thespikedballofdoom commented at 2024-03-20 22:31:36 » #2876334

I thought the hand was a big monkey mouth at first

0 Points Flag
StarburstMoth commented at 2023-06-29 23:33:13 » #2814273

Amogus! :0

Keystrokes keystrokes..

3 Points Flag
Boeing commented at 2023-04-17 09:22:56 » #2796872

Whoever tagged this as "flashlight" instead of cigar may be a bit dumb

7 Points Flag
