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Meguminai commented at 2023-12-18 04:34:19 » #2851743

If she wants it to stop just fucking scream at the molester or tell her boyfriend who is literally in front of her!!! SMH

4 Points Flag
johnsonbob135 commented at 2024-01-01 23:27:13 » #2855028

A lot of people are a lot more timid than you'd ever expect, to the point of it being a serious problem for them. Such people wouldn't necessarily call out in this case for the same reason some people don't report being raped, they're embarrassed, ashamed, worried about being blamed, worried about social repercussions, etc.

This is doubly-true in Japan, where the personality everyone tries to instill in you is to be quiet and respectful of other people at all times, keeping shameful things quiet so as not to cause yourself or anyone else to lose face. On average, Japanese girls will be more timid and more worried about what might happen if they scream, so it's all the easier for chikan to happen. Of course, molestors will also try to target girls who like they'd be too shocked and/or scared to make noise... though real chikan usually doesn't last nearly long enough for the person to get caught in the act on a crowded train.

That's all terrible and shouldn't happen. Of course, this isn't real, this is porn that victimizes no one, so... damn, that's hot!

6 Points Flag
niceboobies commented at 2024-05-21 23:23:54 » #2890330

"The nail that sticks out gets the hammer"
In Japan, people try to draw as little attention to them as possible. Public shame and harassment towards an accuser and their family is often pretty bad. Japan has a 99.8% conviction rate, partially due to corruption, but mostly due to them not taking a case to court if they don't know they can win it. So when it's just like "he said/she said", it won't go to court, and the accuser will be known as a false accuser.
Also, women fear being seen as "unclean" or otherwise if they have been a victim of a sexual crime.

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