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nomom commented at 2010-12-02 19:50:56 » #529238

Anon 1: I think Crocodile was an awesome character, and Kuma, but I do agree that some of the better characters are underdeveloped (like Daz Bones, which is kind of racist that he's becoming more and more of a servant, but he is a minor character) and that one piece isn't the greatest show ever. However, I'm not a big fan of Naruto, because, ironically, I feel that the characters are too bland and metrosexual. But I like the Bleach manga. I think the One Piece manga isn't bad, but I like the subbed anime the best, though I feel that they're making the arcs too long and oftentimes miss the chance to make a moment really badass.

Now, as for the art, I think that it is decently well done. I like Kuma.

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Anonymous commented at 2012-10-31 16:15:13 » #1193511

Not a One Piece fan myself, but I would rather be than to turn my brain to mush watching *shutter* Naruto.
That series ran the ninja theme into the fucking ground, and then proceeded to dig.
One Piece is at least being more original and silly with pirate theme.

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