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Now Viewing: Alternation (OR operator) in search
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okokno - Group: Member - Total Posts: 0
Alternation (OR operator) in search
Posted on: 01/10/09 10:43PM

Sorry if this has been suggested before.

Would it be possible to have an OR operator in the search? Something like "hat red_hair|green_hair" or (more like Google) "hat (red_hair OR green_hair)"... returning the search results of "hat red_hair" and "hat green_hair" joined together?

I don't know much about search algorithms so I don't know how much more costly this kind of search is... it might not be much at all depending on the database.

This would be nice like the wildcard but more specific.

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2253
Posted on: 01/11/09 08:54AM

This type of search is not yet working fully for some reason. It will be fixed when geltas has time to do it.

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