Notice: My personal stance on AI generated artwork. Retweet and share if you agree. Let us discuss, and not immediately scream bloody murder.

Now Viewing: NO picture "donations" welcome anymore!?
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Valdox - Group: Member - Total Posts: 0
NO picture "donations" welcome anymore!?
Posted on: 01/07/09 11:59AM

Lately I have the sense that most of the pictures WE users put in are right away ereased...I have the feeling that at least every fifth or sixth picture from a user, if it's not danbooru is going to be deleted
How come!? I can remember a year back nearly every picture stayed online but now...the whole is palling when 20% of your uploaded images are gone the next day anyway

Or is just the delete button too effective!?

whatever4096 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 3
Posted on: 01/07/09 01:04PM

Is it something not related to Japan? To my knowledge, the webmaster doesn't want anything non-Japanese here.

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2253
Posted on: 01/07/09 01:19PM

whatever4096 said:
Is it something not related to Japan? To my knowledge, the webmaster doesn't want anything non-Japanese here.

That would be the reason. Early years we allowed pretty much anything, but eventually the quality of the images was just too poor. We didn't have many administration tools so it made moderating everything a very hard task. This is no longer the case.

If you want to upload stuff like Ben 10 or whatever, you can post it to which would be more than happy to have your American toons. They actually accept anything that isn't illegal. While I enjoy looking at cartoons from America, this site is a collection of just Japanese images.

That being said, if someone draws A.L.F. eating a cat and they are Japanese, it will be judged on quality and then removed if it feels like a clusterfuck or feels very plain.

Valdox - Group: Member - Total Posts: 0
Posted on: 01/07/09 03:38PM

Ahh, that's the fly in the ointment!
Well ok, I wouldn't consider my uploads as an asthetic failure, indeed they are quite inspiring, I would say.

I just thought it would be handled as before - ok to upload smth even if it isn't Anime, it just has to be appealing - I always had the feeling that was the motto, indeed most of the Nadia content have I uploaded! But that was when everything was anonymous, and somehow have to agree, the last 4-6 months a whole lot more junk came in but that is probably just a side effect caused by the fact that the best hentai-pics are already among the 400k XD

Yeah, so then thanks for the answer^^ now I know where the line is drawn

rgds Valdox
and have a good one!^^

lozertuser - Group: The Fake Administrator - Total Posts: 2253
Posted on: 01/07/09 07:30PM

Don't get me wrong, your images were very nice, and I have a couple Ben 10 still saved on my PC before deleting them. It's just the board changed direction after I had to go through deleting crappy art. Very very very crappy art.

Valdox - Group: Member - Total Posts: 0
Posted on: 01/08/09 03:51AM

I can remember the ones that u are referring to^^

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